Your brand creates awareness about your business. Marketing creates a direct connection with your customer. One won’t work without the other, it’s as simple as that!
Imagine your brand as the author of a book and marketing as the publisher. Very different roles but totally the same purpose – to tell a story that people want to read.
This is one of the reasons why marketing is so important to your brand. It’s the tangible way you create leads and convert them into sales.
Here are four more reasons why marketing makes such a difference to your brand’s success.
A reason to buy
Marketing shows a potential customer how your products or services can solve their problem or meet their specific need. It helps to influence their buying decision because they can clearly see the benefits of what you’re offering. They have a reason to buy. Once they have a reason to buy, though, you must deliver. Get it right and your customers will come back for more and they will spread the word.
Your ideal customer
Understanding what your customers want and need is vital, especially nowadays because people are so well informed. Market research helps you to work out your target audience and how you can best reach them. This enables you to connect with your ideal customer and tailor the message to suit them. You can find out what works for them and what doesn’t. And you can use this data to improve your offer.
Better than the rest
Your offer must stand out from your competitors. Competitor analysis will build a picture of your marketplace so that you can promote your unique selling points (USPs). It’s all about finding ways to show why your business is better than the rest. But you can’t just make bold claims about how good you are, you must show evidence. This comes from gathering genuine feedback from your peers, employees, suppliers, partners, and customers. Marketing doesn’t work if it’s based on smoke and mirrors.
Getting engaged
Winning and retaining customers is a key part of effective marketing. Getting engaged with your target audience and then staying connected is the only way to build a loyal following. Marketing campaigns give you a reason to stay in touch and build lasting relationships. Social media, video, blogs, feedback forms, trust ratings and newsletters are all helpful here as part of your engagement plan.
There’s more to marketing than this, obviously, but the way to approach it is to break it down into bite-size chunks. You don’t have to spend a fortune or sign up to a scary retainer.
Just make sure you invest a little time getting to understand the basics and talk to the right people about what to do next.
Here are some useful links which might help:
And if you want free advice, you can always talk to us. Or you can sign up to our newsletter which always has useful tips on everything to do with brand.