Entries by Andrew

How to keep your brand real and relevant

If your brand is authentic, people will buy your products and services. It’s as simple as that! But making sure that your brand is real and relevant isn’t that easy. It takes time and effort to build an identity that stays the distance – especially in these very challenging times. So here are two things […]

Five ways to improve your online brand presence

If there’s one thing every business should have learned through lockdown, it’s the importance of having an online brand presence. That’s because doing business digitally is here to stay. But if you’re not convinced, there are some pretty compelling statistics emerging. Yes, no matter which survey you read, it appears that over 80% of people […]

How to build your brand in the middle of a global pandemic

Science says it takes an average of 66 days to form a habit. This suggests that you should be used to the ‘new normal’ by now. You should be developing your brand during this global pandemic in different ways. But have you really adapted your behaviour since the ‘new normal’ reshaped the UK economy? Or […]

Why it’s make or break for your brand

As business owners, we might feel like we’re in the ‘Last Chance Saloon’ right now but not if we start thinking differently. We can get through this if we change our mindset. But, before we get into the ‘how’, we need to look at the ‘why’. Let’s go back to last year when Covid-19 took […]